Child’s Hill Primary School is a diverse and vibrant mainstream Junior School based in Barnet, London. With 379 pupils, the school endeavours to provide an environment where children are academically, socially and emotionally prepared for the future.
Embracing learning through collaboration
Following a transition to a two-form entry school, Headmaster Daniel Hawkins made the decision to evaluate the existing front of class display technology, modernising the learning experience for the students.
“Everyone is so used to using touch technology in their personal lives everyday and we wanted to try and replicate that experience in the school” says Dan “this, combined with the explosion of tablet devices across the school network, lead us to try and find a solution which moved our students away from independent, personalised learning to a more collaborative learning environment for our pupils.”
The school was also looking to replace their legacy interactive whiteboard and projector technology as they felt it was out dated. Dan explains “We knew that the our existing display technology has come to the end of their lifecycle and we were faced with out of the date technology that just didn’t fit in with the way that teaching and learning was adapting in the classroom. This combined with the rising costs of replacement bulbs meant that we were just throwing good money after bad.”
Improving lesson delivery
Child’s Hill Primary has deployed Google Classroom across the entire school network as well as using Microsoft applications such as PowerPoint for lesson content creation and delivery. One of the key advantages of the Avocor solution is that it is not locked down to propriety software, ensuring that the transition between applications, the internet and presentations is quick and simple.
Teachers can even access legacy teaching content through the Avocor Eclipse teaching software, which comes as standard with all Avocor display solutions, making the importing of previously created lessons in 3rd party whiteboard software easy.
In addition, the teachers love that the pen is so accurate, improving the writing experience and making annotations much clearer to read than with the School’s previous whiteboards.
“The teachers are really impressed with the speed of the interactive display, getting lessons started is quick and easy, meaning less time is wasted getting the lessons started and more time is spent on learning.”
Increasing student engagement
Talking about the Avocor solution has helped improve attainment, Dan says “the solution has been a great tool in helping pupils increase their understanding of complex problems, the children have had great fun with an interactive maths application for instance, we are also impressed with the quality and reliability of the Avocor solution, downtime is a thing of the past.”
When describing the benefits Dan has seen in the classroom, he explains, “The displays are incredibly intuitive and so easy to use that lessons really do flow better and quicker, leading to the children being much more engaged during their lessons, they can really interact together around the subject at hand. Having the Avocor solution here at Child’s Hill Primary has raised the levels of interactive, participation and engagement within the classroom.”
Customer engagement
“In addition to the benefits we have seen with the Avocor solution, we are also very impressed with how Avocor have worked with School to ensure that we get the very best return on our technology investment, we haven’t just been sold a product and left to get on with it which is refreshing.”
The Solution
Child’s Hill School purchased the Avocor F-6500 interactive solution, designed to enhance collaboration in the classroom. Powered by Windows 10, the solution is built with Avocor Intelligent Touch technology, delivering a smooth, accurate and responsive writing experience which is intuitive and easy to use. The solution provides instant access to the Windows Store, opening a world of content and educational apps to engage every pupil’s imagination from a trusted and safe environment.
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